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Stanag 4193

A similar document to Annex 10 is STANAG 4193 which is published by NATO. This document covers additional specifications concerned with the characteristics of the military Modes 1, 2 and 3, as well as Mode 4.

Mode 5 is new mode of operation that is protected by a strong cryptographic algorithm. Mode 5 and the entire Mark XIIA system is defined by a NATO requirements document called STANAG 4193. There are also US specific requirements for Mark XIIA.

stanag 4193

User selectable Configuration Files XPDRfactory defaults providecombinations ofmodes to be auto-tested plus parametrictest limitsto STANAG 4193/AIMS 97-1000. Interrogator factory defaults pro-videparametric test limits to STANAG4193/AIMS 97-1000 2ff7e9595c

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